Kidney stones can be a source of pain and seriously impact your daily life if ignored. They can develop in the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, and ureters. If there is an excess quantity of salts or minerals in urine, they may combine and form to form a hard stone. Oxalate and uric acid, as well as struvite, are all common compounds that crystallize to form stone.
Kidney stones may develop and increase in size due to a myriad of causes, such as weight loss and medical ailments playing the primary factors. Consult your physician immediately if you are experiencing any of the typical symptoms of kidney stones, such as bleeding or pain, bloody or dark urine, fever, or nausea.
Your doctor will suggest the most effective methods to treat your kidney stones, including surgeries, medications, and modifications to your diet. Here are some of the best dietary guidelines you could receive from your physician.

What is a kidney stone?
The kidney stone can be described as a tough substance that is formed out of crystals that are present in urine. In the majority of people, natural substances in the urine stop stones from developing and causing health problems.
What is the most crucial aspect of stopping kidney stones?
One of the most effective ways to prevent kidney stones is by drinking plenty of fluids each day. This will ensure that you are able to urinate regularly to prevent any build-up of calcium or uric acids.
Don’t underestimate your sweat! Hot yoga, saunas, and intense exercise might be healthy for you; however, they can cause kidney stones. Why? A loss of fluids due to sweating due to these actions or simply the summer heat can result in less production of urine.
The more sweat you produce, the less you are able to urinate, which allows stone-causing minerals to settle within the kidneys and urinary tract.
Drink plenty of Drink plenty of water. Make sure you stay hydrated, especially during exercises or doing activities that result in excessive sweating. You should drink a minimum of 2 eight to 12 cups daily to create an adequate amount of urine.
Talk to a doctor regarding the quantity of water that is best for you. Avoid drinks (especially those that contain high levels of fructose) as well as sugar-sweetened iced teas and grapefruit juice.
diet tips to prevent kidney stones
Drink water, and then take a second drink
If you’ve already carved kidney stones, the best method to avoid further kidney stones would be to consume more fluids. Being hydrated helps dilute urine, which means that crystals won’t form a clump and turn into stones.
A meta-analysis conducted in 2015 by the National Kidney Foundation found that those who produced between 2 and 2.5 Liters of urine each day were 50 percent less likely to develop kidney stones in comparison to people who had less.
Individuals who have suffered from kidney stones need to drink plenty of water. At minimum 2 3 liters (8 cups) every day, but at a minimum 3 Liters (12 cups). When it’s scorching hot outside or if you work in a hot place, then you need to drink more water since the more sweat you make, the less urine you’ll be producing.
If plain water seems too plain for you, increase your preventive efforts by adding a splash of lemon juice. Limes, lemons, and grapefruits are rich in citrate, which binds calcium and aids in preventing the formation of stones.
Limit your sodium intake
A diet high in sodium can increase the calcium content present in your urine. This could cause kidney stones for those who already tend to the formation of these stones. The federal guidelines recommend limiting the amount of sodium you consume to 2300 milligrams a day.
The reduction in sodium, also known as salt, can also benefit the kidneys by helping reduce blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure may reduce blood flow and weaken kidney blood vessels, which can reduce the flow of blood. In time, this could cause the kidneys not to function as they should and lead to renal disease or failure.
Consume your vegetables and fruits
A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits can reduce blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure. It can reduce the chance of stroke and heart disease and even prevent certain types of cancer.
It can also help to stop kidney stones from forming through the increase of urinary citrate, which is a naturally occurring acid within the body that helps prevent calcium particles from clumping together in the urine and forming stones.
Therefore, if you require an extra incentive to ensure that you’re taking five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, keep in mind that it will help prevent suffering from an additional kidney stone.
Limit meat consumption
If you suffer from kidney stones, reducing the amount of meat from your food intake is a great suggestion. Dr. De. Animal protein may cause higher levels of acid in your urine. High acidity encourages the crystallization of the compounds in urine that could become stones.
The high amount of animal protein can reduce citrate in the urine. This -as mentioned above, assists in preventing the formation of stone.
There’s no need to remove meat from your grocery list completely, but do make an effort to cut back. This could mean limiting:
- Fish.
- Chicken.
- Pork.
Add lime and lemon juices to the water
The lime and lemon juices serve as kryptonites in certain types of kidney stones. They are rich in citrate, which helps neutralize acid in urine and prevents calcium stones from creating.
“For instance, uric acid crystals develop and become stone in an acidic atmosphere,” Dr. De Explains. “So when your urine is alkaline (which is the opposite of acidicso uric stones aren’t formed, and you’ll actually be able to dissolve uric acid crystals with large doses of citrate.”
Incorporate lime or lemon into your water at any time you are able to. Try to get a minimum of half a cup of concentrated lime or lemon juice in your water throughout one day.

Dietary guidelines for people suffering from kidney stones composed of Calcium Oxalate
The body makes oxalates, as well as being absorbed through the food we consume. Oxalate can bind to calcium and cause calcium-oxalate stone formation, which is among the most commonly encountered kinds of kidney stones.
Certain circumstances can encourage the formation of calcium-oxalate stones, such as drinking water in a low amount, excessive amounts of oxalate present in your body and urine, and excessive salt levels in your daily diet. To prevent this from happening, you must:
- Make sure you consume enough calcium-rich food items with your meals if you eat oxalate-rich food items.
- Reduce or eliminate oxalate-rich foods such as beetroots, spinach, and carrots.
- Keep your levels at a healthy level of calcium through food sources such as dairy and milk products unless advised otherwise by your physician.
- Reduce your intake of salt because sodium can cause excessive calcium levels in urine.
Dietary guidelines for people suffering from kidney stones from uric acid.
Uric acid is a waste product produced as your body breaks down purines. Purines are present in almost every meat and plant, but certain foods contain higher levels. This includes red meats, seafood, organ meats, and alcohol. Purines break into uric acid, and uric acid is then deposited in the kidneys or other areas in the urinary tract as part of the elimination process of the body. When there is a lot of urinary uric acid, crystals may form, leading to kidney stones caused by uric acid. Here are some food suggestions for people suffering from uric acid stones:
- Keep hydrated throughout the day to make sure that your urine is not diluted.
- When you’re looking for the protein you consume, make sure to stay clear of high-purine food items like seafood and meats.
- Make sure you include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.
- Beware of sweetened drinks along with alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes.
Tips for a diet that helps kidney stones
The presence of kidney stones increases the risk of developing them again unless you take steps to avoid them. This includes taking the medications that are prescribed to prevent this and being aware of the food and drinks you consume.
If you are suffering from stones, the doctor will run diagnostic tests to determine what kind of stone you’re suffering from. They’ll then recommend the right diet that is suitable for you, such as that of the DASH diet. The tips to help you are:
- Drink at least 12 glasses of water each day.
- Eat citrus fruits like oranges.
- Eat a calcium-rich meal during each meal at least three times per day.
- Limit the amount of animal proteins.
- Consume less sugar, salt, and other products that contain high-fructose corn syrup.
- Avoid foods and drinks that have a high concentration of phosphates and oxalates.
- Avoid drinking or eating anything that causes you to be dehydrated, such as alcohol.
Can You Lower Kidney Stones By Taking a Natural Approach?
Make a conscious decision to be mindful of your food choices!
- Take plenty of fluids.
- Drinking water in excess dilutes the compounds in the urine that cause stones. Try to drink at the very least eight 8-ounce cups every day.
- Include citric acid by squeezing it into a fresh lemon or orange juice, or switch to low sugar or no sugar the juice of orange and lemonade.
- Eat calcium-rich foods.
- Reduce sodium.
- Limit animal protein.
- Avoid eating foods that can cause stone formation, like beets as well as chocolate, spinach tea, rhubarb, and most wild high in the mineral oxalate.
The diet chart for kidney stone patients
Foods that should be included or consumed in your daily diet plan
- Cereals: Rice, Wheat Maize, Bread Barley Jowar and Rice Flakes, Puffed Rice, and Cornflakes.
- Pulses and legumes- Red Gram Dhal, Black grams of dhal, Green grams of dhal, Bengal grams of dhal, peas, and soybeans.
- Fruits and Vegetables – Include medium and low potassium.
- Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables.
- Egg white, Non-vegetarian Chicken (skinless), and fish (freshwater).
- Milk and Milk Products- Milk curd, Butter, and Curd Milk (should not exceed 200ml/day).
- Beverages: Tea, Barley water, green tea.

Foods to avoid or limit
- Cereals- Ragi, Bajra.
- Legumes and PulsesLegumes and Pulses Sprouts, Rajmah, Cholae (can be added in small quantities through leaching) as well as in daal forms.
- Vegetables and Fruits – High Potassium, Vegetables & Fruits.
- Non-vegetarian Organ Meats Egg Yolks Seafoods Pork, Beef Bacon, Ham.
- Beverages- Coconut water, Fruit Juices, Instant Coffee soups of vegetables, Aerated drinks, and Squashes and Horlicks. Bornvita, Sugar Jaggery, and Honey are to be avoided by people with diabetes.
It is important to keep in mind that the optimal diet to prevent kidney stones will differ depending on the individual. It is recommended to talk with a health professional or registered dietitian for individualized guidance. They will assess your individual needs and medical history in order to create a dietary plan that is tailored to lower the chance of developing kidney stones.