Best Intermittent Fasting Methods for Weight Loss

As a type of diet, Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained much attention, particularly in the attempt to lose weight. It has to do with the practice of going through cycles within relatively short times of eating and then fasting. Many individuals have claimed to have benefited by using diets as a way of losing weight and boosting their body health. Intermittent fasting means that you eat during certain hours and starve the other hours of the day and there are several methods. Therefore, the user’s lifestyle and objectives determine the best one.

16/8 Method 

One of the widely used patterns of intermittent fasting is the 16/8 method. Otherwise known as the 16/8 – you eat within 8 hours and are in a fasting mood the other 16 hours. For example, one can eat between 12 noon and 8 pm and abstain from food between 8 midnight of the following day. Indeed, many people consider this method very convenient. You fast through the morning and consume your food between the middle of the morning and the middle of the evening. 

Best Intermittent Fasting Methods for Weight Loss

This method helps enhance the metabolic system of the body and in the process sheds some weight. It is preferable to drink water, tea, or black coffee during the fasting hours considering it reduces the feeling of hunger. 

5:2 Diet 

The 5:2 diet presupposes a normal meal for five days a week as well as forcing a single low-calorie amount of about 500-600 calories in the remaining two days. Reduce the calorie intake on fasting days and ensure you take high-fiber and protein meals to avoid hunger throughout the day. This weight loss method is effective because it reduces your weekly calorie intake without requiring you to fast daily.

It is recommended to restrict calories on two nonconsecutive days of the week to make it easier to manage. This plan can be easily implemented during social and family occasions such as meals. But, it can be difficult for some participants particularly exercising low-calorie intake days. 

Best Intermittent Fasting Methods for Weight Loss


Eat-Stop-Eat calls for a 24-hour fasting practice once or twice a week. For instance, one may have dinner at 7 p.m. and then the next time take a meal at 7 p.m. the next day. This method may assist you where you can take fewer calories on the entire day. They also help to give your digestive system a bit of a rest. 

During the fasting period, you are advised to ensure adequate water intake. Many learners consider this strategy challenging, particularly at the start of the course. It can also be great for losing weight. It is convenient because people can decide on any day of the week that they wish to partake in fasting. 

Warrior Diet 

Warrior Diet is a diet that allows the intake of small portions of raw foods during the day and then having one large meal at night. The procedure ensures that a person fasts for 20 hours in a given day and takes food for only 4 hours of the day. 

Thus, this method is suitable for slimming. The small portions consumed during the day offer a way of controlling hunger, while the large portion consumed at night allows the body to receive the nutrients it requires. Although, the proponents of intermittent fasting might face some issues with the long duration of the fasting period and a big meal in the evening. 

Best Intermittent Fasting Methods for Weight Loss


Heed your body and picked a process that would not place strain on you. Before undergoing any kind of fasting program, make sure to seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner. Intermittent eating in this case is the process of merely consuming food in the correct proportion in the right period or intervals through adopting a strict and proper regimen and dieting contributes positively to weight loss. Eat nutritionally dense foods and ensure that you take a lot of water to boost your immune system. 

Also, read 5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps That You Can Use in 2024.

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