Stronger Every Rep: A Blueprint for Bodyweight Strength Training

Bodyweight Strength Training

Bodyweight Exercises are strength-training exercises for the entire body that require very little equipment. These exercises are designed to use your own body weight against gravity as a form of resistance. The bodyweight conditioning circuits include aerobic exercises such as cardio calisthenics, which require less strength and can be performed in a fixed duration. This … Read more

Elevate Your Runs: A Guide to Effective Strength Training for Runners

Strength Training for Runners

Running is a routine that runners are familiar with, especially when preparing for a race. They run nearly every day. Cross-train with some cardio for a rest from the impact. Consume the correct combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in order to fuel your miles. Repeat. Strength training is something that many runners and marathoners … Read more

Achieve Gains with Less Strain: Low-Impact Strength Training

Low-Impact Strength Training

It’s not necessary to lift heavy weights and train with high intensity in order to achieve great strength training results. If you want to increase your strength without putting extra strain on tendons or joints, low-impact strength training will be the best choice. Exercises that require low-impact training can be performed without equipment. Still, they … Read more