Building Explosive Lower Body Strength: CrossFit Leg Workouts

If you’ve ever watched the legs of a CrossFit player, you’ll see they’ve got super powerful, strong legs. They certainly do a lot of barbells and heavy squats, but this isn’t the only exercise that targets their legs. Here are the exercises that strengthen legs that our CrossFit coach recommends we do.

I’ve noticed a significant difference in how well-sculpted my legs appear and the strength I feel while running and skiing. If you’re not interested in CrossFit, you’re not a bad thing! It’s okay! You can nevertheless benefit by strengthening your legs using these dynamic exercises.

CrossFit Leg Workouts

The CrossFit Leg Workout

There’s no one complete list that lists the top CrossFit Leg exercises. There are many CrossFit clubs, and CrossFit exercise programs will offer a few variations of the most well-known CrossFit exercises.

Certain CrossFit exercises are commonly used in CrossFit workouts.

Below are a few of the top exercises you can incorporate in your Leg workouts in CrossFit and lower body exercises:

Why Should Crossfitters Train Their Legs?

CrossFitters should exercise their legs as it is one of the best ways to build the entire body and avoid possible injuries.

Working your lower and upper body in any recreational or sports exercise is vital to build a healthy body.

Involving one part of your body and neglecting other areas you think shouldn’t be dealt with can result in significant joint issues, muscle imbalances, and injuries.

Always pull and push evenly in your microcycles to create antagonist and agonist muscles 33.

This balance will ensure that all patterns in your body are nearly equally strong so that your strength for one pattern can be correlated with the strength of the other motion patterns.

1. Back Squats

Back squat is the foundational CrossFit leg workout that builds strength and power.

Here is how to perform and reverse the squat:

  1. Keep your posture straight and upright within the squat rack. Place your shoulders about shoulder-width apart and your feet directly beneath the bar.
  2. Unlock the barbell and place it on your shoulders. Your traps are in the upper part of your body.
  3. Relax your knees and place your hips back as much as possible while you squat, flexing your core while engaging your glutes. Keep your chest straight and your shoulders downwards and back. Be sure your knees are not extending in a direction that is too far beyond your toes.

2. Single Arm Overhead Squat

  • Keep your feet slightly wider than your hips from each other.
  • Use a dumbbell or kettlebell in your left hand and lift your arm overhead. If this is too difficult or you lack your shoulder’s flexibility, bend your elbow and put it on the shoulders.
  • With the weight in your head and your elbow kept out, Keep the core active as you bend the knees to a squat. Lower your hips to just below your knees. Lengthen the left arm out to ensure the balance. (The photo on the right is an example of the exercise from the opposite side).
  • Try to maintain the same weight on both feet while standing up while keeping your right arm straight.

3. Box Jump

  • Make sure your feet are wider than the hip’s width distance from each other in the front of a strong box that is six up to 24- (or even more!) inches tall.
  • Bend your knees and then swing your arms to the side.
  • Get on the top of the box using both feet and swing the arms toward a forward motion to give you some speed.
  • Step back to the floor or into the air using both feet.
CrossFit Leg Workouts

4. Leg Day

CrossFit is well-known for its ability to blend diverse fitness methods into one. You’ll get the benefits of cardio and bodyweight training in this exercise. Perform three times around this circuit as fast as you can before stopping.

  1. Lean forward and alternate your legs every rep until you’ve walked 100 meters.
  2. Do 800 meters (about half a mile) at the fastest track or road speed.
  3. Perform 100 bodyweight squats to finish the workout.

5. Deadlift

  • Place your feet about hip distance apart.
  • Pull your butt back while you bend the knees. HoldingHold the barbell in your hands slightly outside the hips and with your shoulder small ahead of your bar. Keep both your palms in front of your body or if you feel easier (or you’re lifting extremely heavy), switch one palm towards out. Maintain your back straight, not arched or curved. Your chest should be level to the floor.
  • Stand up, lifting the shoulders and hips at the same time. Lift the barbell off the floor so the bar can move across the middle of both feet.
  • Keep your heels in place and extend your hips and knees fully to bring the knees up. This is the end of one rep.

6. Barbell Barbarian

The minute every second Minute (EMOM) every 10 mins, you should:

1 Deadlift1 Hang Clean

1 Front Squat

Utilize 60 per cent of the one rep maximum for each workout.

Cole Sager, A multiple CrossFit Games competitor, suggests this EMOM concentrates on increasing power and fitness in the legs. Therefore, the form is crucial here, particularly in the latter rounds, if you have to reduce the weight.

7. Sally Squat Finisher

  • This squat exercise is just over three minutes, yet it’s one of CrossFit’s most challenging exercises for the lower body. Squats work your hamstrings, quads, and glutes, which makes them the perfect choice for those who need to work as numerous leg muscles as you can.
  • If you’re beginning to learn about CrossFit, Don’t be concerned about using more weight for the first time you perform this exercise. Experienced CrossFitters can test it using the barbell, but do not exceed 135 pounds.
  • You’ll require headphones or speakers for this exercise. The idea is slightly out of the ordinary. You’ll utilize the track “Flower” by Moby to teach you squat exercises. Keep it in mind for the last part of your workout, as you won’t have your arms able to work for too long following this.

8. Kelly

  • The WOD known as “Kelly” is the 400-meter run followed by thirty box leaps and 30 wall balls with a 20-pound medicine ball. It is required to do five rounds of this exercise for a time. The box jump is a plyometric exercise requiring jumping on the bench or box before jumping to the ground and then jumping back.
  • It builds strength and endurance in the body’s lower. The wall ball, which consists of throwing weight against a wall before landing it in the squat, utilizes similar muscles.
CrossFit Leg Workouts

9. Walking Lunge Workout

This circuit is designed to be used following several powerful push-presses. The circuit will be performed in four rounds, stopping for a few minutes during each one.

  1. Begin by placing a barbell on your back. You can use either 10-pound or 25-pound plates at either end of your bar.
  2. Sway forward and then lower your back knee to the floor.
  3. Step forward with your back foot before lunging forward your foot.
  4. Maintain a steady, upright posture during the exercise.


Ultimately, Bodyweight CrossFit workouts are a fantastic option for individuals seeking a balanced, efficient, and flexible approach to fitness. By incorporating them into your lifestyle, you can unlock the door to a healthier, stronger, and more agile version of yourself while enjoying the journey towards your fitness goals.

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