Trimming Down with Taste: Delicious Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

It would help if you reduced your calories to lose weight. However, eating too few calories can be harmful to your health. Research shows that a calorie-restricted diet is not enough to give your body the nutrition it needs.

The body will also use its own organs and muscle tissues as fuel if you eat fewer calories. The less lean tissue you have and the slower your metabolism, the worse it is for weight loss.

Jamie Feit is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who founded Jamie Feit Nutrition in White Plains. Experts have identified the foods that are best for a healthy weight loss plan.

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

What role does food play in weight loss?

  • Matthew Olesiak, M.D., is the chief medical director at Bellevue-based Sane Solution, a health technology company. He says that hormones influence cravings, appetite, and weight by sending signals to the brain. Here’s what certain foods do to your hunger hormones.
  • The protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied for a long period. It also reduces the post-meal release of ghrelin hormone, which is responsible for hunger.
  • He says that protein also requires more energy to digest, and it increases the amount of lean muscle. Both factors help boost metabolism.
  • Dr. Olesiak explains that dietary fiber helps slow digestion and increase blood glucose, resulting in a lower release of insulin, the hormone responsible for fat storage.
  • He says that as fiber passes through the digestive tract, satiety-inducing hormones like ghrelin are released. These send signals to the brain, reducing hunger and regulating food intake.
  • This will help you feel fuller for longer. It can also reduce your caloric intake and prevent overeating, according to Kara Landau, registered dietitian and founder of Brooklyn-based snack brand Uplift Food. She adds that “prebiotic soluble fiber also feeds your beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, which helps improve gut health .”

Best foods for weight loss??

 1. Fatty Fish

  • 2020-2025 American Dietary Guideline recommends eating at least 8 ounces (240 grams) of seafood per week. Seafood is high in nutrients and omega-3 fats.
  • Seafood also contains a lot of protein, which helps to curb our appetite and keeps us fuller for longer. Fresh fish can be expensive to buy every week. Frozen fish fillets and shrimp are usually cheaper. Consider canned seafood for easy salmon burgers or quick sardine toasted.

2. Cruciferous Vegetables

  • Cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and dark leafy leaves like arugula. These vegetables are rich in health benefits, and an increasing body of research links their regular consumption to a reduced risk of cancer and inflammation.
  • These vegetables are low in carbohydrates and calories, so they make a great addition to any diet plan. It is easy to incorporate these vegetables into your weekly meals. Use them to make salads for meal prep or as a low-carb substitute for grains. You can also blend them up into Smoothies.

3. Avocados

  • Feit says that avocados are underrated. Avocados are high in fiber and a good source of healthy fat. They can help to reduce hunger. Avocado is high in calories because it is a source of fat.

4. Apples

  • Feit says apples are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Fruits like apples have anti-inflammatory properties, phytochemicals, and vitamin C.
Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

5. Berries

  • Feit says that berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. These nutrients help your body function at its best.

6. Nuts, seeds, and other products

  • Feit says that nuts and seeds offer different health benefits. Nuts are rich in fiber, healthy fat, and protein. They also help to reduce hunger. Seeds are rich in minerals and healthy fat. Also, be careful with your portion sizes. A quarter cup of nuts and seeds equals one serving.

7. Salmon

  • Rima Kleiner is a registered dietitian nutritionist and the founder of Smart Mouth Nutrition, a wellness coaching company in Greensboro, North Carolina. Salmon contains a high amount of protein and omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acids may make people who are overweight or obese feel more satisfied. Kleiner says that fish, in general, may make you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer than other protein sources like beef and eggs.

8. Shrimp

  • Kleiner says that eating shrimp can increase feelings of satiety. Eating shrimp may reduce appetite by increasing the production of CCK (cholecystokinin). This hormone signals your stomach to be satisfied. Shrimp and other shellfish are rich in zinc and selenium – two minerals that promote immune health and energy.

9. Lupini Beans

  • Landau says that lupini beans contain a high amount of prebiotic fiber, which feeds the good bacteria in your gut. When your gut bacteria are well-nourished, both the type and number of bacteria multiply. She says that a diverse and well-populated microbiome can improve gut health. This makes your cells more sensitive to insulin.

10. Soup

  • You may eat less if you start your meal with soup. The soup doesn’t have to be pureed or chunky, just as long as the broth is there. Skip the butter and cream.

11. Dark Chocolate

  • Do you want to indulge in chocolate between meals? Choose dark chocolate over milky. In one study, those chocolate lovers who ate dark chocolate consumed 15% less pizza than those who ate milk chocolate a few hours afterward.

12. Pureed Vegetables

  • Researchers at Penn State found that people liked mac and cheese just as well when they added pureed zucchini and cauliflower. They ate between 200 and 350 calories less. These healthy vegetables gave the dish a low-calorie bulk.

13. Yogurt with Berries

You can resist the urge to snack throughout the day by eating a protein-rich breakfast.

  • A study on a group of obese young women found that those who began the day with 35 grams of protein — which is probably more than you eat — felt fuller immediately. The women consumed a breakfast of 350 calories, which included beef sausage patties and eggs. The high-protein breakfast lasted into the evening when the women ate less sugary and fatty foods than those who ate cereal.
  • You don’t have to stick with eggs and sausages. In fact, they are high in saturated fat. Greek Yogurt is a good option. Choose yogurts that aren’t loaded up with sugar.
Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

14. Matcha Powder

  • This green powder has a lot of slimming power. The powdered green tea is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant linked to many health benefits, including weight loss. In a recent study, women who drink four cups of green tea matcha powder per day experienced increased fat oxidation when walking for 30 minutes. This can reduce fatty tissues.

15. Pears

  • Pears contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are delicious and juicy. Fiber keeps you satisfied for longer and curbs your cravings so that you don’t overeat. Pears are delicious raw, but they’re also surprisingly versatile.


Healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and good fats, provide a multitude of benefits for those aiming to lose weight. They help control appetite, regulate blood sugar levels, and boost metabolism, making it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

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