A low-calorie eating plan is a structured diet that restricts caloric intake daily, usually to lose weight. A low-calorie eating plan involves consuming 1,200-1,500 calories per day. This creates a caloric deficit, which can lead to weight reduction.
It is possible to lose weight with a low-calorie diet, but you need to be disciplined in order for it to work. You should always seek the advice of a dietitian to ensure that you don’t restrict calories too much or miss out on essential nutrients.
Since the 1980s, scientists have studied low-calorie eating plans to investigate claims that they may slow down the aging process. But when it comes to weight loss, the science is straightforward: Eat fewer calories than your body burns (through daily life and deliberate exercise), and you’ll lose weight.
It is not easy to follow a low-calorie plan just because it is simple. Understanding and recognizing hunger cues is not easy.

Health improvement is the path to take
Your doctor and you should collaborate to determine the number of calories your body requires every day. It would help if you had an idea of how many calories you require according to your weight as well as your age, height, and your lifestyle. Also, be aware of any physical or medical limitations that you might have.
If you’re trying to shed significant weight, then you’ll gradually begin to reduce your calories as time goes on. Weight loss specialists and doctors generally advise that if you have several months without losing any weight, it’s time to review your goal for calories.
While counting calories, it’s crucial to record all food items you consume. Maintain a calorie log so that you are aware of the amount of calories left. There are numerous mobile apps available for free that aid you in tracking your daily calories.
You can enter the food that you eat, the amount of fluid you consume, and also any physical or exercise activities. You can also keep track of your progress using a notebook and pen. Any method will work in the event that you’re true in your monitoring.
Here are a few tips to maximize your calories :
- Don’t skimp on your food that is high in protein:
- Try to eat the right amount of protein each meal. Protein can help you feel fuller and assist in the burning of calories. Research has shown that protein boosts the metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories). Additionally, it helps reduce appetite since you feel more full.
- There are numerous options for protein. Make sure to select lean meats, eggs, cottage cheese, eggs or fish, nuts, along with legumes (such as edamame or beans).
- Don’t eat the calories:
- Water is the most beneficial drink to consume in the quest to shed weight. Drinking water will assist in burning off calories. Avoid any drinks that are sugary, like sodas and fruit juices, as well as alcohol and sports drinks.
- Do away with all the garbage:
- Sure, you might satisfy the urge occasionally, but you shouldn’t do it regularly. The calories in junk food are also known as empty calories. They aren’t nourishing your body. And they don’t help keep your body full for long, as well. It’s better to cut them out or limit their use.
- Be aware of your carbs:
- Carbohydrates (carbs) are classified into two types two types: simple and complicated. Complex carbs are typically healthy carbs. They are comprised of potatoes, vegetables, and whole grains. Simple carbs are sometimes referred to as refined carbs.
- They include white bread, potato chips, and white rice, as well as sugars and refined food (fast foods and packaged foods). Fruit is a source of sugar and is technically a carb that is simple but is still an element of a balanced diet.
How Effective Are Very Low-Calorie Diets?
A very low-calorie eating plan can help you lose up to five pounds per week if your BMI is over 30, which will be called “obese” by your doctor. This would mean an average weight loss of about 44 pounds in 12 weeks.
If you lose that much weight, it may help improve medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood pressure. In the long run, however, low-calorie diets don’t work as well as more moderate diets. After you stop a diet, you must change your lifestyle and commit to a healthy diet as well as regular physical activity.
Are Very Low-Calorie Diets Safe?
Not everyone should follow a diet with very low calories. Speak to your doctor about whether this type of diet is right for you.
When used under medical supervision, very low-calorie dieting is generally safe for people with BMIs greater than 30. Very low-calorie diets are only recommended for people with a BMI between 27-30 who are obese but not overweight.
They are also not suitable for people over 50, depending on the potential need for medication for pre-existing conditions and possible side effects. These diets may also not be suitable for those over 50 years old, depending on whether they need medication to treat pre-existing health conditions or if there are any side effects.
Low-calorie diets
Some low-calorie diets restrict calories to a specific amount, such as 1200 or 1500 per day.
If you want to lose weight on a low-calorie diet, make sure your meals are balanced.
Online, you can find a variety of meal plans. It is best to choose a diet designed by a nutritionist in order to get the most out of your meals.
To ensure that you are getting enough nutrition, it is best to choose healthy foods. A large burger with fries and soda, for example, contains 1,320 calories. Still, it is not enough to meet the person’s daily nutritional needs.

Diets with very low calories
A very low-calorie diet contains less than 800 calories each day. Some very low-calorie diets contain 500 daily calories. It is not recommended that a person start a low-calorie diet without consulting a doctor. This could be harmful to their health.
Doctors might recommend a low-calorie diet for those with obesity who are unable to undergo bariatric surgeries but need to lose weight safely and quickly.
A doctor can prescribe a liquid version of a low-calorie diet. The drink contains vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The doctor may also take tests of blood and weight loss in order to make sure the individual is within healthy parameters.
Calculate your daily calorie goal.
Most people lose weight on a diet of 1,200 calories per day. Calculating your daily calorie target will give you a better idea of what your ideal calorie intake should be for weight loss. This simple calculation can give you a daily goal of calories that will help you lose 1 to 2 pounds each week.
Multiply your weight by 12 to estimate the number of calories you require each day in order to maintain your weight.
To lose 1 pound/week: Cut 500 calories/day
To lose 2 pounds/week: Cut 1,000 calories/day
If you currently weigh 160 pounds, and your goal is 1 pound a week, then:
160 [lb.] x 12 = 1,920 [calories]
1,920 [calories] – 500 [calories] = 1,420 calories
The formula used in clinical weight loss trials assumes that the person using it is passive. You may need more calories to feel satisfied throughout the day if you are an active person.
You can gauge your level of satisfaction by how you feel. (You shouldn’t be constantly hungry!) You should also check if you are losing weight. You can continue to lose weight on 1,800 calories a day if you are feeling great. This is only a starting point. You may need to recalculate your calorie target as you lose weight because you will now have different calorie requirements.
We don’t recommend losing more than two pounds per week for healthy weight loss. Set your daily calorie target at 1,200 calories if you’ve calculated a goal below 1,200. It isn’t easy to get enough nutrients or feel satisfied to follow a diet plan if you go below 1,200 calories. If you are losing weight too fast, increase your daily caloric intake to stay within the weight loss zone of between 1 and 2 pounds per week.
What foods can you eat if you are on a low-calorie diet?
A low-calorie diet, which is often recommended to lose weight, is one with fewer calories than you normally consume. A low-calorie plan is designed to create a deficit so that your body can start using its stored energy as fuel. The 1,500-1,500 calories per day is the most common low-calorie range, but it can be varied.
Many obesity societies and guidelines recommend a deficit between 500 to 750 calories per day if this diet is followed for weight loss. However, you should always consult your healthcare provider first. If you usually follow a 2,000-calorie diet, then your low-calorie meal plan will be between 1,250-1500 calories per day.
If you follow a low-calorie eating plan, you can technically eat foods with low nutritional density as long as they don’t contain too many calories. This strategy is not recommended for people who are looking to improve their health in general, not just lose weight. To feel energized, it is best to eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and high-quality proteins, as well as healthy fats and fiber.
Cons of low-calorie eating
A low-calorie eating plan can help you lose weight. This diet is not without risk, and it’s not for everyone.
A low-calorie diet limits the amount of food that you can eat. This may mean you don’t eat enough to get all of your recommended vitamins and minerals. You should, therefore, discuss with your doctor whether you need to take a multivitamin in order to fill nutritional gaps.
A low-calorie diet can cause fatigue and lethargy in people, especially when they restrict calories too much. It is possible because calories are an energy unit. If you do not consume enough calories, then your body won’t be as energized.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics warns that a low-calorie eating plan can have other negative effects, such as causing your metabolism to slow down, losing mental sharpness, and causing gallstones.
Unfortunately, some studies suggest that while a diet for weight loss, like a low-calorie diet, may result in weight loss over the short term, it could be linked with weight gain over the long term.

Does a diet low in calories have any health benefits?
Low-calorie diets can be healthy if they are followed correctly and safely. A registered dietitian will help you determine how many calories to consume in order to avoid underfeeding. A registered dietitian will also ensure you have the correct balance of macro- and micronutrients in your diet to avoid nutritional gaps and fuel your body properly.
Weight loss can occur if a low-calorie, healthy diet is adopted under the supervision of a healthcare provider. You should avoid restricting your caloric intake too much, eat a healthy diet, and make sure you don’t feel any negative side effects like brain fog or fatigue. If you follow a low-calorie, healthy diet, you can achieve your goals.
A healthy, low-calorie diet must focus on whole, nutrient-rich foods to ensure that your body gets the necessary minerals, vitamins, and macronutrients. Also, speaking with a medical specialist or registered dietitian is suggested prior to starting an eating plan that is low in calories to ensure that it’s healthy and appropriate for the individual’s specific needs and situation.